Jumping Genres
Well, okay. Yes. Switching genres would be a more
accurate title for this post, but you know me – can’t pass up an alliteration,
even if it does imply tales of skipping ropes and trampolines. But
jumping, in the literary sense, is
pretty much what I’ve done, without the safety of a cord and yelling ‘bungee’ like a mad thing.
Having finally finished
writing the non-fiction book, in little over four months, you’d imagine that I
would’ve been over-the-moon with happiness and a sense of achievement. Nope. I felt about as
exuberant as a lead-lined pancake. Those seventeen weeks of intense, focused
writing pretty much hijacked my mind. I know we had Christmas because there
were a lot of brightly wrapped gifts under a cheerfully decorated tree and everyone was happy
and hugging each other.
And I know that I cooked
dinner sometimes, though how I didn’t chop up my fingers along with the carrots
and potatoes is still something of a mystery. I know that I did put a plateful of chicken bones in
the fridge and toss a perfectly good fruit salad into the garbage but only
because my immensely patient hubby presented me with said chicken bones and
asked if they should be served with ice-cream or custard. (Silly question. Both,
of course.)
Once I’d hit the ‘send’
button and the manuscript, for better or worse, was in the hands of the
publisher, I was left with…nothing. A
great big gaping void. There was
suddenly all this free time and didn’t
have a clue what to do with it.
Oh, I did all the usual
stuff, like clean up my badly neglected home and study, file away the gazillion
or so books, papers and post-it notes and remove the fascinating etymological
specimens that were flourishing amongst the piles of accumulated dust. But
housework, as you know, is like stringing beads with no knot on the end. You
can only do it for just so long before your brain putrefies into a mess of
green jelly. I needed to get back to fiction writing, so I took to spending
hours every day on AbsoluteWrite, hoping for some inspiration.
I must pause here, for a
moment, to give accolades to all the writer-folk on that website. Not once,
during my ‘end-of-book-blues’ did any one of them comment adversely on my
numerous nonsensical, and sometimes downright vacuous, posts. It’s a testimony
to the generosity of spirit in those forums. (Of course, they could all have
had me on ‘ignore’ but let’s not spoil a good tribute with probabilities.) In
fact, it was while reading an article via a link from an AW’er, that… drum roll
please… a plot bunny miraculously appeared on my horizon.
A plot bunny, for my
non-writer friends, is a story idea that simply refuses to go away until it is
written. I haven’t had a good plot bunny in years – non-fiction doesn’t count
and neither do those romance shorts I wrote for thingamajig magazine because
I’ll never admit to them. (Well, not in public
anyway.) So when this plot bunny
arrived it was like opening the door to find Simon Baker standing there with rose between his teeth. Oh, yesssss. Get thee in here and proliferate.
The story required that I do
quite a bit of research, which was great (I love researching) but it soon
became evident that things were heading in a rather dark and disturbing direction.
Now, you know me, I’m into mysteries. I read them, I write them, I immerse
myself in them and I totally love them. But this was rapidly turning out to be…
Horror. Ack!. Vampires, zombies and
all creepy things that go thump in the night just don’t excite me. But here I
was, writing one - until a writer friend kindly pointed out that my story did not fit the horror genre. Indeed, he
said, it was quite obviously science
fiction. I was stunned.
When I think of science
fiction, I tend of think of mother ships, lizard-skinned creatures, great big
metal things stomping all over the place sucking up hapless humans or slimy,
slithery organisms bursting out of someone’s gut. Don’t get me wrong, I like
Sigourney Weaver but you’ll need a couple of very strong cranes and a plethora
of sky-hooks to suspend my disbelief long enough to keep me awake through most
of her Sci-fi movies. But science fiction, of course, is a vast genre with so
many facets that are neither gory nor fantastical and my writer friend was
right, (can an undead Chihuahua
ever be wrong?) my story sure fit. So I let the plot bunny just do its thing
and take me where it wanted me to go. And what a journey it’s been!
Writing has always been
enjoyable for me, but never have I
had as much pure, unadulterated fun
as I’ve had with this story. No surprise it turned into a novelette. Where all
the words and characters came from, I have no idea. I was a spectator watching
the drama unfold, laughing at the main character’s odd mannerisms, appalled at
the hideous potential of the dark side of science and wondering how on earth it
was all going to end. What a blast!
This switching genres seems
to have propelled my writing into a whole new dimension and opened up a universe
of possibilities. My imagination is running wild. Regardless of whether or not
this story ever sees the light of day in a publication, every moment spent writing
it has been an education in not
limiting my thinking, not sticking to
the redundant advice of ‘write what you know about’ and most of all, not being afraid to simply take the
plunge into something…uh, dare I say it…alien to me.
So, if you’re feeling stuck
or a little bored with your writing, consider taking that literary leap and
just letting your imagination go free-range. Simply close your eyes, hold your
nose and jump… into a new genre. You
may end up thrilled with what you discover.
And may the plot bunnies bounce
along with you.
photo credit: <a
McCoy Photography</a> via <a
href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a